Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is the dog that Michael bought for me while I was in the hospital. It is a pug named Otis. He is growing on me but I still am not sure how much I like having to take care of him. He is funny and has been fairly easy to train.

4 Muses:

Princess said...

He is a pretty funny little guy! Kind of dumb and hyper though! It is good for you to take care of him!

Mary said...

Otis...cute in a very odd way. He could use some botox. It's always good to have a little friend around to come snuggle when you need it the most.

I have a favorite saying I got from a card "I get hugs and kisses when I'm good but I need them most when I'm bad". I think pets know that.

Try dressing him up in little vests and hats. That should make you love him more.

brian said...

He is a great little dog, Ashlyn will talk about him out of the blue...

Ms K said...

Hi sister dear - I love otis- he looks so loving. It is wonderful to have a friend who asks for nothing and gives everything. I don't know what I would do without Simon & Sammy - they are my friends and companions - and sometimes biggest headaches. It's kind of like having little kids around again. They keep me on my toes, make me laugh and comfort me when I feel alone and down. Otis is a wonderful gift Michael got for you. We'll have to exchange dog experiences. Thanks for the blogs and you have inspired me to start mine up again so....can't say I didn't warn you. Love you darling and hopefully we can keep in touch a bit more this way. Miss you so much - Love Kittie